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An EMP in Our Future

 Not sure if I am barking up the wrong tree or even off on a limb.  But here it goes...

In 2013 there was a massive solar flair up that caused a huge electrical pulse that narrowly missed the Earth. Had it hit, it could have wiped out electrical grids and destroyed computer systems around the world. We were spared.

On September 1, 1859, astronomer, Richard Carrington observed a sudden flash over a large area of sunspots on the sun. Within 60 seconds the flash had already started to disappear, but early the next morning, there were reports that the northern lights were so bright that people could read the newspaper as if it were daylight. At the same time strange things began happening worldwide telegraph systems. Telegraph operators were being shocked unconscious and the flying sparks were setting their machines on fire. When the telegraph operators disconnected their machines from the batteries, there were still sparks flying. This is because the power of solar flares induced electricity into the lines that carried the telegraph signals.

There have been many discussions and speculating about an EMP attack between nations. For example a special nuclear weapon could discharge extreme electrical pulses above our country that would wipe out so much of our infrastructure. It could happen in an instant.
My reason for bringing this up at this time is to seriously contemplate the possibility that we could experience an EMP of life changing proportions. 

As we head into the greatest blessing of mankind, the Cosmic Book of Life Registration Blessing, I have been thinking how life on Earth will change. I’ve been giving this a lot of thought and prayer recently. God speaks to us in a number of ways, and I feel that there is a thread in what I am hearing.

First and foremost I feel that God, Jesus and True Father are extremely jubilant over the victory and success of our Second King and our victorious Cain as well as True Mother. September 23rd, 2017 was a pivotal year in all of God’s Providence with God having a solid foundation of all four providential positions fulfilled. God is just so excited about creating Cheon Il Guk as quickly as possible. These key figures along with the remnant of True Father’s work on earth must create the Kingdom of God which is Jesus’s Gospel.

On the flip side of this victory, is the tremendous power and influence that Satan has had on the world. We don’t have to look far to see immense evil and destruction that is fully entrenched in the world. Over the past few years the Freedom Society has exposed this evil and evil doers. Through the 9/23 blessing, Satan’s back has been indeed broken, but there is still life in his members. God can’t allow this to continue. 

Recently through what I internally feel, is that this Earth may experience a very serious EMP caused by a solar flare that will destroy modern life as we know it on Earth. It would set us back to a very primitive life style. In an instant, life on Earth could change.

In Genesis 9:8-11 God says,
8Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him: 9“I now establish my covenant with you and with your descendants after you 10and with every living creature that was with you—the birds, the livestock and all the wild animals, all those that came out of the ark with you—every living creature on earth. 11I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.”

With an EMP, life would not be destroyed, only systems. Yes, people would die but that would be because of systems going down, and evil people destroying each other. The good people who have heard God’s word to prepare will be okay. Government systems, banking systems, artificial intelligence, and so much more would go away in an instant. Sex toys, Internet pornography, and time wasting social media would things of the past. In an instant, so many distractions and evil organization would be powerless. 

So the thought of the day is Prepare, for the Kingdom of God is at hand!

We need to prepare for an extended period of time to survive and prosper. As sovereigns we need to be prepared for real homesteading and the means to protect our realms from marauders and others. We are uniquely situated here in the Sanctuary community because to the spiritual and practical guidance we have received from our King and the fellowship we have as brothers and sisters.
I hope this can initiate discussions on this very real possibility that life will change in the not to distant future. Kook Jin Nim has been saying we need to fasten our seat-belts because 2018 will be an interesting year. 

God bless us all.


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