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King of Bushcrafting (and Homesteading)

For the past few years our King has been stressing the need to know bushcrafting and homesteading.  How many times have we seen the insides of his backpack, contents of his pockets, and more?  He has been our teacher and guide into the world of bushcrafting and the wilderness.  After all he is the "Wilderness King"

The skills he has been preaching about are survival skills.  So many of us have never killed our own chicken, trapped wildlife for food, or even fished for our own supper.  We also are ignorant of what wild nuts, fruits, berries and bugs we can eat to survive.  But he has been leading us into this strange world of survival by living off the land.

Is all this just because it fascinates our King?  Does he just want to gross us out by eating bugs?  Is his interest because it is a passion for him?

Getting us more physically in shape is also part of what our King is talking about.  This is not just so we can live long and prosper.  It is for survival.

The bushcrafting, homesteading, survival and physical skills we are being taught will come in very handy should we have a massive EMP that causes a total breakdown of society.


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