At the zero hour of an EMP, your time to prepare is over. At that moment whatever you have, you have. Stores will be looted, ATM won't work, and generally it will be "every man for himself". Think about it. The number of toilet paper rolls you have at that moment, will be the number you have until you run out. There will not be a store to buy more. But there are other supplies that will be even more crucial at that moment. Water, for example will be a big issue. If you live in an area that has municipal water, you may have water for a while, but that would surely run out. If you have your own well, how do you get the water without electricity. Water is probably the number one issue especially for an extended period of time. Of course food will be important. You will need food for you and your family for at least a few months. Then you need to be able to raise your own. There will be no food stores. How will you stay...
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